Your ePortfolio

Begin Your ePortfolio

ePortfolio icon including icons for a social profile, toolbox, discussions, pencil and heart @AIRIZRTW/ E-portfolio-presentation

Now, you will create a shell of an ePortfolio on one of the common blog or ePortfolio sites like Google Site, WordPress, blogger, etc.

  • Create a home page
  • Create a bio with a photo
  • Post current resume

Try to think about how to organize your site.  The GREAT thing is that with any of these tools, nothing is set in stone, you can always re-org.  (See, nothing for just one purpose!)

That first draft is due by the end of the first week of classes.

Complete Your Timeline: History of Distance Learning

You will need to complete your timeline assignment on the History of Distance Learning.  My expectation is that this assignment will:

  • Be professional; no grammar or spelling issues.  Seriously, use spellcheck.
  • Be comprehensive AND concise.
  • Find directions and the rubric for the project here.  It is in “Word” format because, as part of the project, you will need to assess (i.e. grade) yourself.  

And take a breath!

There was QUITE a bit of information in this first level.  Don’t worry – you can do it!  Here are a couple hints (if you need them):

  1. Don’t be intimidated.  Remember, people less skilled than you have figured this stuff out.  You can too.
  2. You’re just starting everything – begin by saturation.  Choose being curious over being confused.
  3. Reach out and (virtually) touch somebody.  No interested in asking me?  No big deal – reach out to your fellow learners!

Make Sure….

You’re not done with Topic 1 until you complete all of the activities listed on this page.  Your participation should be robust in all discussions and reflections, demonstrating graduate level critical thinking, thorough reading and engagement with resources, etc.

Stop IconThis is not the course to phone in or let slide.  Eight weeks goes MUCH faster than you think and this course is a legit 3 credits.  Make sure you reach out when you need help BEFORE the deadline.  Seriously, before.  Love this stuff, kinda dig teaching, glad you’re with me! – Sasha